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Sito di metafisica e teologia per un progetto culturale cattolico Aurea Domus Aurea Domus Aurea Domus


Enrico Maria Radaelli *


The new book by Enrico Maria Radaelli.
Foreword by H.E.R. Mgr. René Henry Gracida.

The non-Renunciation of Benedict XVI on February 11, 2013
is the direct fruit of “Ratzingerism”, the heresy
taught for fifty years by Pope Joseph Ratzinger
in his Introduction to Christianity.

Aurea Domus Editions, Milan 14-4-2023.
Pro manuscripto, in-8° format; pp. 503; 54 illustrated, 15 in four-color.
Special offer at € 78,00 (shipping included. Est. arrival to US: 20 days).
(You can request it with an to the Author,
accepted payment via Paypal)

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Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaFirst: a book against Pope Ratzinger or a book to save Pope Ratzinger?
Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaBreaking the veil with which even the most apparently faithful Pastors of the Church have blinded their eyes for nine years in order to hide the truth, the book I am proposing shows, for the first time in the world, all the very gravely erroneous and articulated doctrine Hegelian taught since 1967 at the University of Tübingen by Prof. Ratzinger, who, climbing the most important steps of the Magisterium to the highest, is revered by all as the most formidable champion of the faith.
Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaNow, given that de internis non iudicat prætor, objective, public facts are found in the book, given which, see pp. 357-8, with great apprehension Pope Benedict is shown the only way to save himself from the grave danger that would await him if he does not disavow his terrible doctrines.

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Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaSecond: a book against the “Ratzingerians” or to save the “Ratzingerians”? On this basis, for the first time in the world it is shown with the most irrefutable and rigorous evidence that the Renunciation made on 11 February 2013 by Benedict XVI is invalid and null and void, and only because it was elaborated on the basis of the erroneous Hegelian doctrine of which above, which all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church have supinely accepted, except two, one of whom also wanted to draft the important Preface now placed at the end of the book. However, if these Pastors recognize that the Renunciation is invalid, as demonstrated on pp. LXXVI ff. and on pp. 366-8, the writer here is the first to point out that they too would save themselves from the terrible punishment that awaits those who adhere to erroneous doctrines, always in compliance with the above judicial principle.

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Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaThird: a book against “Francis” or a book to save “Francis”? From what has been said it follows that “Francis” is in reality an anti-pope, so that what has just been said also applies to him: if he too recognizes that the Conclave which (knowing he is electing an anti-pope: the facts are objective) elected him on the 13th March 2013 is invalid and null, he too will return to obey the Laws of God, as indicated throughout the book, especially on pp. 375-7, thus perhaps saving himself as his modernist accomplices from the punishment reserved for those who betray the Law of God.

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Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica
This book should have been little more than a pedantic and perhaps boring doctrinal critical investigation, and instead it immediately revealed much more than that, because somehow a kind of drama soon took to life in it, almost a Greek tragedy in which all the important doctrinal concepts have as though withdrawn into the background, as if they were just a large scenario, the severe landscape more and more tormented and anguished, in which events take place that have taken more and more life, breaking up in a jolt in a conclusion from page to page more and more pressing, unexpected, and, as will be seen, overwhelming.

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica
And this is the point: that this metaphysical essay, wearing the increasingly evident and dramatic garments of a Greek tragedy, turns out to be even more than an invented work, which is precisely a Greek tragedy, showing itself as the crudest and ruthless photograph of a precise fact: that of the Church and the world caught today in their most hasty flight from reality. That is, better: in their most hasty flight from God: from the reality of God. And it is precisely from this detailed and documented discovery that the drama was born: from the merciless photograph of a precise, very current and global event; but, even before that, it is precisely from here that the rigorous, documented and scientific philosophical analysis of those Ratzingerian doctrines from which that drama came to life was born.  

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica
And this is where the book “exploded”. Yes: it really “exploded” into unexpected and very lively images of Angels, Archangels, Cherubs and Serafini, because its almost five hundred pages were suddenly animated by unexpected Celestial Creatures, don’t ask me how, don’t ask why, as if the thousand terrible doctrinal truths unfolded had felt the most imperative need to make everyone see clearly, from the first to the last page, the faces, eyes, mouths and lips of those who were really uttering those terrible and powerful words of indisputable truth, so that, among a hundred clouds torn here and there by darting rays of the sun or by flashes of lightning and lightning, they came to life, among those writings of high metaphysics about a more than justly much loved and universally well appreciated personality, and we are obviously talking about Pope Joseph Ratzinger, dozens of ineffable creatures who somehow made their way between the lines, the drop caps, the references, the headlines, shaking them and violating them. and with no respect for the structural order, now with the most moving, weeping and painful sweetness, now with the most unusual roughness and arrogance, in any case always without having asked anyone’s permission, certainly not me.

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaResult? I wish the readers were to judge him. We could perhaps imagine this strange book with a somewhat four-faced look as if it were not at all shy, but determined, unstoppable and comely last Muse, also released, like all her other sweet sisters, due to the urgency of the Truth to show us that it can reach our hearts not only through the irresistible force of the most reasoned and solid logic, but because it is precisely this Truth, in itself Truth, that is attractive, that is splendid, that is beautiful, that is, that is boundlessly desirable, to be married immediately and forever.

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaWhy marry? Because the Truth that lives in Beauty is our Lord Jesus Christ himself, Verbum et Imago Dei, and he is our Spouse, it is He who awaits us from heaven, to make us live forever. Forever, do you understand? Together with him, in the Father's arms of love. What are we waiting to be convinced?

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Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolicaHere, in a nutshell, are the eighteen serious heretical deviations that I believe taught for fifty years by Professor Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, in his Introduction to Christianity, fifteen of which are struck by the Church – and one of them even three times –, in his long history, from the due anàthemes, and which together gives rise to the multi-heresy, never disavowed, indeed at least three times by its Author reiterated, of the “RATZINGERISM”:

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica1), the most springing and initial deviation: adoption of the Kierkegaard-Pascalian fideistic model, for which the metaphysical knowledge of God is impossible (see, in At the heart of Ratzinger, §§ 11-21);

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica2), the most incisive: subversion of the order of the Persons of the divine Monotriad, that is, not perceived but implemented and systematic inversion of the metaphysical order that will and intellect must have (the will, which proceeds, is made to precede the intellect), thus making the SS. Trinity an arbitrary and dictatorial God as in the erroneous Islamic notion, so as to lose his two most substantial qualities: the reason and the love (throughout the book, especially in §§ 65-6 and 70); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica3), the most devastating: consequent recourse to the postulates of practical reason: replacement of reasons for believing with the will to believe. Thus theory is replaced with praxis, which however, as we know, is not suitable for reasoning, but rather constitutes its stumbling block that devastates and annihilates it, that is, it is its error (see §§ 11-21) ; anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica4), the most modernist: adoption of the skeptical Fideistic doubt based on knowledge, assuming as a criterion precisely what constitutes the surest vehicle of cognitive uncertainty, placing it in the first place at the basis of the knowledge taught by the Church: supernatural knowledge, or witness, or by faith (§ § 11-6); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica5), the most tragedy: the conviction that God remains “essentially invisible”, even in the beatific vision of Paradise (§ 18);

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica6),the most antiscientific: the evident if not explicit disavowal of the divine origin of the Bible, for which it would be man who conjectures things about God, and not God who with His Word teaches man what man must know about He and must then do (§§ 64 and 69); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica7),the most atheist: to reduce the notions and prophecies of the Holy Scriptures concerning invisible realities such as Hell and devil or miraculous such as the divine and virginal sonship of Jesus Christ to imaginative and semi-pagan mythologisms (in several points, especially in §§ 64-5); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica8),the most idealistically cause initial: the evident but not explicit disregard of the reality principle, which moreover can only be found in the principle of source “innascence”, or “of in-birth” of God the Father, and, metaphysically speaking, nowhere else (§§ 10 and 25);

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica9), the most idealistically consequent: splitting of the Papacy into “Active Papacy” and “Passive Papacy” within a “Synodal Papacy”, in the typical, unreasonable, unrealistic and anti-Catholic idealistic Heg-elian scheme of “thesis-antithesis-synthesis” (§ 22); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica10), the most Pantheistic-Spinosian: to make thinking coincide in God with creating, with the consequent conviction that therefore the essence of God would be involved in His creation and in human history (§§ 19, 42 and 63; anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica11), the most absurd (but ideologically necessary for the Ratzingerism): connote God as “God of Freedom”, charging Him with two aspects then transmitted, by analogy, to the world created by Him: elusiveness and unpredictability, as in the false notion of God elaborated later by Mohammed, and, nine hundred years later, by Luther, by Calvin and the “enlightenment” atheists of all centuries, including those of today (§§ 24-26); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica12), the most unlikely antitrinitarian: to introduce in the essence of God, in addition to the concept of Logos, that of Diá-logos, or “Colloquium”, for which the three Persons “dialogue” with each other as with man; the antipope will take the matter to the extreme, arguing that « the three Persons quarrel », because the dialogue of a “God of Freedom” cannot have boundaries (§§ 55-60 and 66); but the essence of God has no motion: in it there is only one, unique, all-en-compassing and eternal “SuperThought”: the Logos; anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica13), THE MOST SERIOUS: rejection and annihilation of the divine, ineffable Redemption as the ‘Holocaust Sacrifice of God the Son, in Jesus Christ, to God the Father’, confirmed in 2016 – in an interview with Jacques Servais s.j. – as a fact « unacceptable by modern man », that is, in reality, by Pope Ratzinger himself (§§ 39-43 and 62-5); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica14), the most reductive: the belief that Redemption is “the attainment, in Christ ‘Omega’, of the perfect man” with a Teilhardian imprint (§§ 44-7); anathematized;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica15), the most devastating: cancellation of original sin, of the concept of sin as an “offense to God”, of Hell, of the devil, of Purgatory, of Heaven, as well as of the final and definitive separation of the “pious people” from the “impious”, because it too is « unacceptable by modern man », that is, always by Ratzinger, also here hidden behind the periphrasis « modern man » (§§ 50-3); anathematized;

      16), the most illogical and depressing: cancellation of the glorious bodies of the blessed in Paradise, including those of Christ and the Virgin (§§ 50-1);

     17), the most repulsive: the conviction that « the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus would not be affected if Jesus were born of a human marriage », with all the multiple, serious and heretical consequences that this entails (§ 71); anathematized; and three times;

Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica18), the most ecumenist: the opinion that the Church’s unconsutable tunic, due to the splits caused by the disobedience and rebellions of the heretics, is today « divided into multiple churches » (§ 72); anathematized.

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    Foreword of René Henry Gracida........................................p. I

First Part.


   1. The reason why we call these pages “Prequel”............p. V

   2. Today, Romano Amerio would affirm:
       “Benedict XVI’s Resignation is invalid,
       null and void. Ratzinger is still the Pope.
       Bergoglio is an antipope.”
       The reason is the following.............................................p. VII

   3. How did we arrive to the present disgraceful situation.....p. X

   4. What is the good that the Church must always pursue.....p. XII

   5. The terms of the problem..................................................p. XV

   6. The three notions of Munus Petrinum’, ‘Munus
      Episcopi’ and ‘ministerium Episcopi’ according to

      the meaning attributed to them from Magisterium
      of the Church.................................................................p. XVII
   7. The three notions of ‘Munus Petrinum’, ‘Munus
      Episcopi’ and ‘ministerium Episcopi’ according to
      the meaning attributed to them since fifty years
      from Pope Benedict XVI’s - Joseph Ratzinger’s
      in his ancient and never retracted Hegelian ideology.....p. XXII
  8. The three notions of ‘Munus Petrinum’, ‘Munus
      Episcopi’ and ‘ministerium Episcopi’ in the meaning
      attributed to them from Pope Benedict XVI’s in his
      Declaratio of Resignation of February 11, 2013...........p. XXIV
  9. Logical-semantic analysis of the Farewell Speech
      held by Benedict XVI of February 27, 2013................p. XXVII

10. The notions of ‘Bishop emeritus’ end of ‘Pope
      emeritus’ according to the Magisterium of the
      Church. Do we have here a legislative vacuum
      or only the will to do whatever one wants?
...............p. XXX

11. First conclusions of the logic-semantic analysis
      on Benedict XVI’s Declaratio and Farewell Speech...p. XXXV

12. The arguments of invalidity of Pope
      Benedict XVI’s Resignation of the Papacy
      with regard to a juridical-canonical validation.
      First aspect: is the Resignation invalided
      by external elements?
.............................................p. XXXVII

13.The arguments of invalidity of Pope
      Benedict XVI’s Resignation of the Papacy
      with regard to a juridical-canonical validation.
      Second aspect: is the Resignation invalided
      by internal elements?
..............................................p. XL
14CONCLUSIONS.....................................................p. XLIV

15. Finally, there is a reasoning that doesn’t give
      alternatives: neither to the Pope, nor to anyone
      else: the Pope is and remains Benedict XVI.

      The reasoning that we say is called
      “Disjunctive vel”. There it is.
....................................p. XLVII

15.A. First reflection, based on the premise ‘p’,
        which says: You are Pope, yes, albeit ‘emeritus’....p. LI

15.B. Second reflection, based on the premise ‘q’,
       as opposed to ‘p’:
No, You are not Pope,
       because You has renounced it...................................p. LIV

Post Scriptum.
     Where and how this work is inserted in the vast
     panorama of the very significant studies
     existing on the topic today on the subject.................p. LVII

Annotation in the margin of the II par of p. XXVII (*), 
     of the II par of p. XLIII (**)
     end IV par of p. XLV (***).........................................p. LXVIII
      The Cardinal Ratzinger excommunicates
      Pope Ratzinger (and with him the whole Church).
      And You, Pope Ratzinger, what are You waiting
      for to save Yourself from excommunication
      (and save, with You, the whole Church)?
................p. LXVIII

     Is perhaps a universal self-excommunication
     of the Church possible? Yes, it is possible: 
     isn’t that just what is happening today?
.................p. LXXVII


Second Part.


      Anthology of the eighteen (18!) most serious
      heresies found in Introduction to Christianity,
      never retracted, indeed three times, even recently,
      by their Author confirmed, fifteen of which (five out
      of six) already struck by precise anàthemas.................p. 373

   1. Equalities and inequalities..................................................p. 17

   2. Who is the true “Master of doubt”
       of the super-doubtful Cardinal Archbishop
       Monsignor Carlo Maria Martini ........................................p. 19

  3. First: what is the task of a catholic theologian
      regarding the “Norma normans” of the Faith?
is this task also performed
      by Prof. Ratzinger?
...........................................................p. 22

  4. The non-catholic heaven of the Professor from
      Tübinghen’s book, Introduction to Christianity
      – which by an ideological choice is a historicist,
      anti-metaphysical and fideistic book – anticipates
      the sky without dogma of today’s antipope “Francis”........p. 26

  5. Why an old book of fifty years ago is as important
      is as few other books in the word.....................................p. 31

  6. How to empty the doctrine of Faith from inside.
      Or from where, how, and through whom the current
      devastating secularization of the West has been spread......p. 36
  7. Metaphysical methodology and historical methodology:
      that is catholic and anti-catholic, that is, modernist.
      Which one will Prof. Mons. Ratzinger have chosen?.........p. 42
  8. The historicist, anti-metaphysical, anti-scientific,
      and anti-catholic methodology of the Theologian
      from Tübingen.
..................................................................p. 47
  9. If the exclusion of the correct investigation tools,
      which are moreover a duty and mandatory,
      can constitute a method.......................................................p. 51

10. The historicist method is the theologian’s drug.
      And the Protestant and Lutheran leaders are its pushers.....p. 54

11. One by one, the Professor’s main statements
      of Tübingen on the problems of doubt of Faith.
.............p. 59

12. The doubt. The only thing of which,
      for Professor Ratzinger, one must never doubt...................p. 62

13. You will never insist enough on certainty that God
      wants to instill in us: to be knowable by us. More:
      that His knowledge is by God strongly wanted...................p. 67

14. Perfect theoreticality of the reasoning of Faith.
      Total unreasonableness of any doubt about Faith................p. 70
15. The crossroads of Ratzingerian thought is not
      Faith, but doubt. And precisely the skeptical doubt.
.....p. 72

16. The Ratzingerian skeptical doubt,
      father of the new era of Faith: the ‘Mobilist’ Faith.............p. 74

17. What ever might conclude of good, a reason that
      made it self unable to be, as it should, very certain
      of the truth it knows, one reason, that is, which,
      by it self, has made it self powerless and incapable
      of reasoning correctly?.......................................................p. 78

18. Professor Ratzinger has every reason to have such
      a dramatically skeptical Faith: how does a man have
      a luminous Faith in a God which for him will always
      be « the essentially Invisible »?...........................................p. 81

19. Here we are, at last it comes to light a doctrine
      that dangerously approaches Professor Ratzinger
      to nothing less than Baruc Spinoza. And not only.........p. 87

20. Kantius genuit Kierkegaardium, Kierkegardius genuit
      autem Coxium, Coxius inde genuit Ratzingerium,
Ratzingerius vero genuit Martinum, Martinus denique......p. 92
21. The fideistic skepticism of the Tübingen
Professor is it perhaps subject to some
      ecclesiastical censorship
?..................................................p. 94

22. The heretical Ratzingerian concept of the active Papacy
      and the passive Papacy as a direct reflection of the
      scheme idealistic Hegelian-like of  “believer and
      non-believer”.......................................................................p. 97

23. God said: « Look for Me in a horrid region »,
      or not rather: « Do not look for Me
      in a horrid region »? (Isaiah 45:19; tr. CEI 74.)...............p. 103

24. To much “relationship”, in the Professor’s theology,
      and no “substance”: “But it’s the anti-metaphysics,
      my dear. It is from here that the Church
      has lost the principle of reality.”........................................p. 104

25. The most appropriate definition of the “religious
      philosophy”, as Livi would call it, of the Professor
      Joseph Ratzinger, is: “Ultra-Idealist Philosophy”:
      “Beyond Idealism”.
.........................................................p. 111

26. If the “God Freedom” conjectured in 1967 in
      Tübingen resembles the notion of God elaborated
      in 610 by Mohammed and that reworked
      in the Sixteenth century by Luther and Calvin.
...........p. 114

27. What binds and what unties the uncertainties
      of skeptical doubt to the certainties
of the “Common sense” of Mgr. Livi and of Faith.......p. 118

28. For Professor Ratzinger and Cardinal Martini
      perhaps that Faith is a perpetual wave-like motion?.........p. 122

29. The one professed by Professor Ratzinger and by
      Cardinal Martini is a heretic ‘voluntary doubt’, or is it
      merely ‘an excessive preoccupation with believing’?.......p. 129

30. From the skeptical doubt of the Professor of Tübingen
      to « synodal polyhedral » of the antipope “Francis”:
      total abolition of all truthful certainty, to begin with from
      that of the five certainties of the “Common sense”...........p. 133
31. If it can be said that a Christian “does not have”
      the truth, who does not posses the truth,
      as the antipope “Francis” says.
......................................p. 136

32. Can’t Popes be judged and censored? In that case are
      to be judged and censored a Professor and a Cardinal......p. 141

33. If the heretical palindrome conjectured in 1967 by the
      Professor of Tübingen, confirmed and perfected in 1988
      by a ultra-Cardinal of Milan, finally summarized in 2015
      even by an antipope, it annihilates the whole Church.......p. 144

34.Thanks to the “Farmer”, we understand the “Prof”;
      worse: thanks to an antipope we understand the Pope.
      More: thanks to an antipope idolatrous
      we understand a Pope heretical. That is, how much
it is was believed moderate..................p. 147

35. Who is it, for the Tübingen Professor and for the man
      of today, the protagonist on the world scene:
      is it perhaps God, which, however, don’t be seen,
      or is it the man, who instead be seen?...............................p. 151

36. The real drama – tó dràma – is between Heaven
      and earth, between God and man.
      But Prof. Ratzinger does not notice it at all......................p. 156

37. Since God, provided He exists, provided He speaks,
      He didn’t speak first, who ever did then?.........................p. 160

38. And forgiveness too, who brought it into the world?
      God brought it or men brought it?....................................p. 164

39. We enter the drama of the Heavens.  
      And of the Heavens of Heavens: the drama
      of an indignant God the Father, and of His Son
       – He too God –, to Him in His own sacrificed blood.
      We enter there whereit really does not want
to enter, and never is entered, the historicist
      Professor from Tübingen................................................p. 168

40. For the Church it is the central “liturgical dogma”.
      For Professor Ratzinger (and future Pope)
it is « a cruel one and unacceptable mechanism ».
      Who is right?
....................................................................p. 171

41. I ask: the millions of Masses celebrated
      according to the Novus Ordo Missæ
      of Pope Paul VI, are under anàthema?
.........................p. 174

42. In full Soteriology, appears again Spinoza....................... p. 180

43. “Lamb of God”: yea, to appease the indignation of God,
      the Lamb can only be of God.
      But in what sense “of God”?.............................................p. 183

44. Prolegomena to an evolutionary theology:
      “Cosmic Doubt” plus “Cosmic Evolutionism”,
      equal to…?
......................................................................p. 188

45. Where, how and when was born the transformation
      of the rocky society founded on Jesus Christ into the
      liquid society dissolved in the putrescent liberal acid.......p. 194

46. The fluid and putrescent society of today is all born
      from a fluid and putrescent Church, which is to say
      from a Church false-pastoral, i.e. hypo-dogmatic,
      born from a fluid and putrescent Council, i.e. from
      a false-pastoral Council, that is hypo-dogmatic:

      the very modernist Ecumenical Council Vatican II.....p. 198

47. Professor Ratzinger, in short: Evolution
      or Redemption? “Mais naturellement, oui:    
      ‘Èvoludemption’! In English ‘Evoludemption’!
That’s what they say, right?”.........................................p. 202
48. The fanciful and palpable contradictions
      of an antipope, and the false and non-existent
      contradictions of the Truth................................................p. 207
49. How Ratzingerian Ultra-Idealism – surpassing himself,
      as indeed was predictable –  it has become 
     “the Ratzinger-Teilhardian Theological System”...............p. 208
50. To Catholic dogma absolutely not enough that
      Paradise is located « in the memory of God ».
      To Prof. Joseph Ratzinger, on the contrary,
      instead yes. Who is right?...............................................p. 212

51. The « resuscitation of the bodies » according to the two
      New Cathars: Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin s. j. and
      the Monsignor Joseph Aloisius Professor Ratzinger.........p. 216

52. No devils, for Prof. Joseph Ratzinger, nor damned.
      The Hell, in fact, is not only empty, but, for him,
      it isn’t even there...............................................................p. 228

53. So no devils, damned and Hell, for the Prof. Ratzinger,
      but not even Limbo, Purgatory and Paradise. Thus
      is solved at the root “the Great Problem of Evil”.........p. 230

54. Add “Christ Omega” to “Christ Community”. This,
      with the drafting of Introduction to Christianity, is the
large strategy of Professor Joseph Mgr. Ratzinger......p. 239

55. Says “Tübingen”: « In the one and indivisible God exists
      the phenomenon of dialogue ». But motion, in God,
      doesn’t exist. So, how can there be ‘dialogue’,
      which certainly is a motion?..............................................p. 244
56.  The Professor Ratzinger is the real great theorist of the
       II Vatican Council: it is he who has been able to find in the
       SS. Trinity the cornerstone of the praxis there born and
       brought to full maturity by the antipope Bergoglio..........p. 248

57.  Trinitarian continuity and discontinuity, that are
       substantial, decisive, between the Prof. of Tübingen
       and the antipope today increasingly indecently
       reigning............................................................................p. 254

58. The Professor of Tübingen does not even imagine
      what hides the Trinitarian « diá-lógos » invented
      by him.. But the non-Pope “fake simpleton”
      understood this immediately..........................................p. 258
59. The small Greek particle ‘diá’ is the Ratzingerian least
      iota that, exploding in three powerful errors, it subverts
      the essence of God and the whole earth, as it can only
      the most furious spiritual cataclysm in the world..............p. 261

60. Says the Professor from Tübingen: « The three
      Persons of the SS. Trinity dialogue ». « No says
     the antipope “Francis” firmly –, the three Persons
     quarrel, but they do not show it ».....................................p. 263

61. “To dialogue! To dialogue!” They shouted joyfully
       the Fathers of the II Vatican Council leaving St. Peter’s
      “(Thus the world will no longer grimly at us)”.................p. 267
62. There is a problem: that “the Great Problem of Evil”
      is exalted by the Redemption of Christ,
      which frees man from things as sin, death and Hell,
      which however are no there left. So what do we do?
      Simple: you change Redemption.
...................................p. 270

63. Analysis of what is called “medium term”, that is,
      of the topics chosen by the Professor of Tübingen
      to “forget” the work of Redemption of Jesus Christ.........p. 274

64. But the narrator of the Holy Scriptures is it God
      or is the Professor of  Tübingen?.......................................p. 279

65. Analysis of the final conclusions reached by the Professor
      Ratzinger for remove, indeed for cancel, without
      being seen by none, the Redemption of Jesus Christ........p. 288

Diá’ and ‘relation’. Two of the many small iota
       not to be included in any way in the Catholic doctrine
       on the SS. Trinity.

       But inserted secretly by a Professor of Tübingen........p. 296
67. The basic Christological error of the Theologian
      of Tübingen it is to place the starting point
      of the Catholic Faith in the Cross, and not, as it is,
      in the glory of the Resurrection.........................................p. 300

68. The premise necessary and sufficient to solve all the problems
      that arise from the “Great Problem of Evil”......................p. 304

69. Here are all the problems of the “Great Problem of Evil”.
      But also their holy, unique and Christ-like solution.....p. 309

70. How can serious explanatory work be transformed
      of the doctrine in a dangerous ideology,
      that is, in horrid idol..........................................................p. 321

71. Let us now speak of the Blessed Virgin.
      “But why – asks Professor Ratzinger –,
      must She be a virgin? There was no need”....................p. 326

72. Professor Ratzinger, tell us: the Church of Christ
      is or is not only and uniquely the Roman Catholic
      Apostolic Church?............................................................p. 342

73. Without Livi’s notion of  “Common sense”, there is
      a big risk: even that the idol ‘community’ be born – as
      Professor Ratzinger does – from the Holy Scriptures......p. 348

74. Sacrificed to the Ratzingerian idol ‘Community’
      also the lively and most loving hermit spirituality............p. 354

75. But there is any ruby, or sapphire, or perhaps
      a diamond, of which the Church can treasure, adorn
      itself with, clothe itself with, that is not ideologically
      scratched by the philosophical slant from which
      moves the distinguished Professor of Tübingen?.........p. 358

76. For a start, a nice ruby: Professor Ratzinger would hate,
      just like Professor Livi, “theological utilitarianism”.
      Yeah, but then: why use it?................................................p. 359

77. Almost a diamond, the one on page 195,
      where we discover that the doctrine of Jesus
      is Jesus himself. Yes, very good. But... ............................p. 361

78. Unexpectedly a sapphire, and great, immense:
      a boundless and moving sapphire like the celestial vault..p. 363

79. We conclude by adorning ourselves with an amethyst,
      and let’s go back to the problem from which we started:
      and good “Tübingen” to make it a question of method...p. 368

80. Conclusion: MENE - TEKEL - PERES.
      What does it mean?.......................................................p. 372

      MENE Dn 5:26
      « God as computed Your Kingdom – Your life –
      and ended it

      At the heart of Ratzinger. By Pope Ratzinger:
      “Repent, and You will save not only Your life,
      but that of the whole Church!”.....................................p. 379

      TEKEL Dn 5:27
     « You were weighed on the scales
      and You were been found insufficient

      At the heart of the Pastor of the Church.
      Of all the Pastor of the Church:
      “Choose: are You Catholics,

      or are You Ratzingerians, that is Modernists?”...........p. 388

      PERES Dn 5:28
     « Your Kingdom will be divided
      and given to the Medes and the Persians

      At the heart of the antipope, yes:
      by Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio.
      “Return the Throne you usurped,
      and the Lord will look back at you!”............................p. 397

(Pagina protetta dai diritti editoriali).

(Go Up.)

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Aurea Domus - Metafisica e teologia cattolica Oppure può essere richiesto – col 15% di sconto sul prezzo di copertina, dedica e copia numerata –, così come possono essere richiesti i cinque articoli integrativi sopra segnalati, con una all’Autore.

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